"Building the Future"

PT. Selamat Putra Bersaudara (SPB) is a national private company that has a long history and experience in the field of construction services. The company has been conducting its business since it was founded on October 9, 1979 as a CV. Selamat Putra Bersaudara (be) based Data Entry Model I Notarial Deed of Notary Rosita Wibisono, SH. In the Serang City, Banten and has obtained approval from the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia on April 8, 2008 Based on the decision, the company is set as a Limited Company, which became PT. Selamat Putra Bersaudara (Persero). PT. Selamat Putra Bersaudara (SPB) currently operating in the Pandeglang City, Banten. At this time PT. Selamat Putra Bersaudara is committed to improving the performance of the company's management and workforce through recruitment and the application of technology management and the restructuring of the company as a whole, starting from the logo of the company, its vision and mission, organizational structure, human resources, information systems, through to risk management and health & safety management system in the implementation of construction. The company's commitment is built with the aim to significantly increase customer satisfaction by producing work of quality construction and timely.
Year Established
Projects Completed

Water Resources Construction
Road Construction
Bridge Construction
Water Pipeline Installation

Warehouse & Industry
Educational Building
Others Building

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please fill out the following form
Head Office
Jl. Raya Pandeglang - Rangkasbitung, Km.2, Kadubanen, Kab. Pandeglang, Banten - Indonesia (42212)
Email: info@spb.co.id / spbcontractor@yahoo.com
Telphone: +62-253-206868
PT. Selamat Putra Bersaudara
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